May 10, 2021

Walk-in COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Now Available

Beginning on Wednesday, May 12, walk-in appointments are available for the COVID-19 vaccine for Lowell CHC patients. Patients can walk in to the health center at 161 Jackson Street in Lowell from 8:00am-1:30pm, Monday through Friday, to receive a vaccine. Patients who have a scheduled appointment will remain on the schedule for that day and time.

April 30, 2021

Lowell CHC Lauded for Equitable Access Efforts for COVID Vaccine

The National Association of Community Health Centers has recognized Lowell Community Health Center for leveraging new technology to increase equitable access to COVID-19 vaccinations among the health center’s multilingual patient community. Lowell CHC recently launched a new vaccine registration system using intelligent automated technology, with a focus on assuring language access.

April 22, 2021

New Online System for Booking COVID-19 Vaccines

Lowell Community Health Center is offering an easier online system for booking COVID-19 vaccine appointments. When an appointment is available, patients will receive a secure text with a link to register for the vaccine appointment, then follow the link to complete the registration process. Following the link is the quickest way to book an appointment, but patients may still call 978-547-1686 if they are having difficulty with the online registration. 

April 13, 2021

Lowell CHC Pauses J&J Vaccine; Moderna Vaccines Not Affected

In accordance with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Lowell Community Health Center is pausing use of the Johnson & Johnson single-dose COVID-19 vaccine. We are administering the Moderna vaccine, which is not affected by the recent safety review, so if you are scheduled for a vaccine at Lowell CHC, it is important that you keep your appointment. We are not canceling appointments. You can help #stopthespread of COVID-19 by getting vaccinated.

The FDA has reported that, as of 4/12/21, 6.8 million+ doses (181,034 in Massachusetts) of the J&J vaccine have been administered. The CDC and FDA are reviewing data involving six reported U.S. cases of a rare and severe type of blood clot in individuals receiving the vaccine. Per the CDC and FDA: People who have received the J&J vaccine who develop a severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath within three weeks after vaccination should contact their health care provider. 


April 9, 2021

Lowell CHC Offers New Online Vaccine Booking

Lowell Community Health Center is offering an easier online system for booking COVID-19 vaccine appointments. When patients are eligible for the vaccine and an appointment is available, they will receive a secure text with a link to register for the vaccine. Patients may still call 978-547-1686 to book an appointment, if they prefer not to use the online system.

March 18, 2021

A Message of Solidarity

We are deeply sorrowed by the recent murders in Atlanta targeting Asian American women. Over the past year, the Asian community across this nation has experienced discrimination and acts of violence that are deeply alarming. As a health center, we have come together to speak out against racism and xenophobia.

Read more

February 10, 2021

Meet Fernando. One of our first patients to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

Now, hope has a name. It is Fernando. Yesterday, we received a dose of something we all need these days: hope. We began providing the first doses of the COVID vaccine to our patients 75+. We are excited by the realization that more and more patients will be vaccinated every day!

February 3, 2021

COVID-19 vaccines are now open to people age 75+.

Información importante sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19  Para nuestros pacientes de 75 años o más: A partir del 1 de febrero, son elegibles para recibir gratis la vacuna contra el COVID-19. Estaremos en contacto con usted próximamente con más detalles sobre cómo hacer una cita. Por favor continúe protegiéndose siguiendo las medidas para cubrirse la cara, distanciarse socialmente y lavarse las manos.

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February 2, 2021

New Q&A on Patient Portal

Did you know the Lowell CHC Patient Portal is a convenient way to access your medical information and communicate with your care team securely, 24/7? You can view lab results, request medication refills, send messages to your care team, and more, all from your computer or mobile phone. Get answers to all of your questions, including how to register, on our new FAQ page.

January 6, 2021

Lowell CHC leading effort to inform and vaccinate residents

“Community health organizations, including Lowell Community Health Center, Greater Lowell Health Alliance, and Lowell General Hospital, are working with trusted community aid organizations in a unified effort to distribute timely and accurate information about the vaccine rollout.”